Saturday, 24 March 2012

Biology Unit 2 - Section 5

this has just been uploaded to skydrive and is available - either use the link to the Unit 2 folder unsung the biology page or the link below: Unit 2/Section 5.pdf

Wednesday, 21 March 2012


If people are having trouble with the new links please email me and let me know what the problem is, try both of the links.

If you've got a google account - through using gmail or youtube etc. sign in with that and click the google docs link as these will definitely work

Skydrive links should just work without needing you to sign in or anything

If you are having trouble with either of these please email me:

Biology Unit 2

New section 3.2.4 now up check it out on the skydive link for unit 2 on the biology page

Monday, 19 March 2012

Almost 2,000 Unique visitors!!!

We're almost at 2000 unique visitors. I'd just like to thank everyone for visiting the site I hope you find it useful.

We are still looking for contributors, anyone that has notes for another subject we don't currently cover. Please email me if that's you and I'd be more than happy to add your notes to the site. If you have a google account I can make you admin and you can edit your own page/s

It's great to have shard my notes with so many people and I hope they're useful more will keep being added and I hope some of you get in touch with other subjects so we can make this the best!

Thanks everyone!

Sunday, 18 March 2012

UPDATE: Google docs links

hey these still aren't working I don't think..

The new skydrive links definitely do work though so use them until google fixes it's issues

Exactly the same content on both sites and both will give much faster downloads than the old filefactory stuff

If you still have problems please email me as everything works my end and it's only by users reporting issues that they can be fixed

Thanks a lot

Good luck to anyone doing the EMPA test tomorrow sure you'll do great

Google Docs Links

Thanks to an email off a site viewer I have been alerted to a google docs link problem.

It appears at the moment you need to have a google account and be signed in to access the docs. This is all free of charge and I would recommend getting one.

However on google docs it assures me this shouldn't be the case so I have logged the issue with google support and hopefully the problem will be fixed soon.

Until then if you need notes and don't wish to make a google account email me: and I will email out the notes you request the same day (normally within an hour or two from when you email me)

Sorry about this!

Saturday, 17 March 2012

Major changes!

Hi everyone

Major changes this weekend more notes will be added and what's already on here has been updated and is now on google docs so there are no ads when downloading and it's much faster

Hope everyone did well in their Jan exams and not to pile the pressure on but it's not long until the summer ones eek!!

Happy revising hope everything on here is useful

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Google docs links

some people have had trouble with the file factory links and there are loads of ads on these pages making it difficult to download the notes.

Now before the filefactory links will be a google docs link. This will enable you to download the notes without any ads, and should be a bit faster too

Happy Revising!

Friday, 9 March 2012


If anyone uses this service email me your email address and I'll share the dropbox with revision notes with you. A lot easier than using our filefactory downloads and no annoying ads